PySlot - Documentation

PySlot a dead-simple signal/slot library for Python.


You may install it by using pip:

pip install pyslot

Basic usage

PySlot provides two signal classes:

  • Signal for basic signals in mono-threaded code.
  • ThreadSafeSignal for cross-thread signal instance usage.

Both have the same interface and can be used like so:

from pyslot import Signal

def greet(name, msg):
   print("{name} says: {msg}".format(name=name, msg=msg))

signal = Signal()

signal.emit("alice", msg="Hi Bob !")
signal.emit("bob", msg="Hi Alice !")

The connect function takes a weak-reference to any callable that will in turn be called whenever the emit method gets called.

A signal can be connected to several callables, which will all be called in their registration order.

It is also possible to disconnect a callable from the signal by calling the disconnect method with that callable as the single argument. Since only a weak-reference to the callable is kept, destroying the callable will implicitely disconnect it from the signal as well.


No matter what variant of the Signal class you use, it is always safe for a callable to call disconnect, be it for itself or for another callable.

Table of contents

Indices and tables